Energy Saving Tips For Your Home

Conserving energy helps you save money and the planet.

LUMA is committed to working with our customers to help your family make smart decisions about your home energy use. Below are some simple ways that you can conserve and reduce your electric bill every month.

Lighting accounts for approximately 15% of an average home’s electricity use, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Turning off lights when not in use and before you leave home is a simple and effective way to conserve energy and reduce your monthly electric bill. Follow these tips to help reduce energy use and save money on your electric bill:

  • Use natural light whenever possible by opening windows, curtains or installing skylights to reduce lighting energy costs.
  • Improve the efficiency of your home lighting, and save money, by switching to LED lighting. The average household can save about $225 in energy costs per year by using LED lighting. Replacing old light bulbs with more energy efficient LEDs reduces energy use and saves you money.
  • Consider setting lighting timers or using dimmers to save energy.
  • For outdoor lighting, look for ENERGY STAR lights with motion sensors or timers that will automatically turn on at dusk and off at dawn.

Learn more at:

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air conditioning uses 6% of all the electricity produced in the United States. Improving efficiency when cooling your home can reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly electric bill.

Follow these tips to more efficiently cool your home and save money on your electric bill:

  • Replace or clean the filter of your air conditioner regularly to reduce your energy consumption by up to 10%.
  • When using your air conditioner, close windows and doors to prevent your air conditioner from consuming more energy to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Use fans to help control temperatures and cool your home while saving energy.
  • Improve energy efficiency in your home with an ENERGY STAR certified air conditioner, they use 9% less energy on average compared to conventional air conditioners.

Learn more at:

Washer & Dryer

Large appliances like washers and dryers can be major drivers in household energy use and costs.

Follow these tips to save energy and money while washing your laundry at home:

  • Reduce the impact on your bill by washing your clothes in cold water using cold-water detergents whenever possible.
  • Clean the lint filter of your dryer after every load to increase the efficiency.
  • Remember to use large appliances during off-peak hours. Run your dishwasher or washer and dryer before 6 p.m. or after 10 p.m. to help reduce demand on the electric grid.

Learn more at:

Refrigerator & Freezer
  • Set your refrigerator temperature between 35 ° and 38 °F and your freezer temperature at 0 °F to keep food fresh while conserving energy.
  • Keep the refrigerator door shut. If the door is opened too frequently, the refrigerator will consume more energy to stay cool.
  • Check the rubber seals on the refrigerator and freezer doors to make sure there are no leaks, which might lead to additional energy consumption to keep the desired temperature.

Learn more at:

  • Run your dishwasher with a full load of dishes, whenever possible.
  • Operate your dishwasher on the energy saver setting if one is available.
  • Air dry dishes instead of the heated dry setting to conserve more energy.
  • Utilize energy efficient dishwashers that can cut your bills by about $130 per year.

Learn more at:

Ovens & Stoves
  • Keep range-top burners and reflectors clean to help reflect heat and save energy.
  • Consider using a toaster, grill or convection oven which use up to one-half as much energy as a full-sized oven.
  • Use right-sized pots and pans on burners and secure them with tight-fitting lids to contain heat.

Your water heater accounts for about 20% of your home’s energy use.

Follow these tips to save on energy and costs associated with heating your water:

  • Install a timer on your water heater to automatically power off at specific times to save energy.
  • Inspect pipes and valves around your heater for leaks, which increase consumption.
  • Keep the heater set to 120 °F to reduce the amount of energy it takes to produce and maintain hot water.
  • Limit the use of hot water when washing the dishes to help save energy.

Learn more at:

Many electronics, even when turned off or in standby mode, still consume energy. It is estimated that the average household pays as much as $100 per year for energy consumed by electronics that are turned off or in standby mode.

Follow these tips to use electronics more efficiently:

  • Enable the sleep mode on your monitor if you are not using your PC for more than 20 minutes.
  • Switch off both the computer and monitor if your computer will not be used for more than two hours.
  • Enable energy-saving modes for electronics such as your TV or video game console.
  • Unplug battery chargers after the batteries are fully charged, or the chargers are not in use.
  • Connect electronics to a smart power strip, and turn off power to all of the appliance when not in use.

Learn more energy saving tips for electronics at:

There are resources and incentives available to help you reduce energy consumption and lower your energy bill.

  • Energy Saver: The U.S. Department of Energy has resources and information available to help customers save on energy costs.
  • Public Energy Policy Program (Programa de Política Pública Energética): Residents and businesses in Puerto Rico qualify for incentives aimed at promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  • ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR is a federal program created to help you save money and protect our environment. Appliances certified by Energy Star consume 10% to 50% less energy, which will help you and your family reduce energy usage and cost.
  • Small Businesses: With the right actions and strategic choices, your business can save up to 30% on energy bills.
  • Energy Savings Tips for your Home: Follow these tips to help you save energy in your home.

Calculate Your Energy Savings

Each year, appliances improve in efficiency, and older appliances, consume more energy than newer models. If you are shopping for a new appliance, use our Energy Efficiency Calculator below to estimate how much you can save with an ENERGY STAR certified appliance.
